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SafetyCulture unveils new office in Manchester

SafetyCulture News | By | 20 Feb 2024 | 2 minute read

safety culture manchester office opening

Great minds think collaboratively – or however the saying goes. At least that’s the mantra we’re running with as we open the doors to our exciting new office in Manchester. 

This 10,000 sq ft office on Mosley Street is getting a facelift from its past life as a bank. It’s designed to be more than just an office, it will be a vibrant hub for our Crew to cultivate collaboration and a sense of community. 

Music to our ears

Music has been at the core of Manchester’s identity for decades. From The Hacienda to The Factory and every iconic venue in between, there’s no doubt that the Manchester scene has helped pave the way for music culture and artists across the globe.

With that in mind, the look and feel of the new office is inspired by the architectural features of the existing building and by the dynamic local music scene. There are music references throughout the space, including one-person phone booths designed to look like recording booths, and custom posters you’d see throughout the Northern Quarter

Community at the core

The new office has been designed to champion social connection through a communal dining room, a games area, an open-plan floorplate, and various breakout spaces.

Our goal from the outset has been to create a dynamic, creative, inspiring, and highly functional workplace for our team, complemented by a world-class food, beverage, and events program. 

“Employee experience, innovation, and connection to our customers were the key principles when designing our new Manchester office.”

Keyna Fryer, Workplace experience director, safetyculture

“Employee experience, innovation, and connection to our customers were the key principles when designing our new Manchester office,” says Workplace Experience Director Keyna Fryer. “We design all our workplaces to be creative and inspiring spaces that foster a strong sense of community and connection.”

With customer-themed meeting rooms, an in-house chef, and thoughtfully designed artwork that gives a nod to Manchester’s music scene, this office has got everything our people need to conjure up the next big innovation for SafetyCulture – and hopefully attract the top talent in the North West and beyond.

About 60 of our people will be able to call this their ‘home away from home’, but will house more than 100 as the team continues to grow. 

Don’t just take our word for it

We asked Alex Brooks-Sykes, who works from Manchester as SafetyCulture’s Head of Go To Market in the UK and Ireland, for his thoughts.

“The new office is incredible. There are some distinctive nods to Manchester, but at the same time, it’s uniquely SafetyCulture, and it really heroes our customers and the important work that they do.”

“Our company is very purpose-led because we try to give every single employee the opportunity to do the best work of their careers. It’s only fitting that we have a space that can help facilitate great work and support people to do that,” Alex says.

Come and join the Crew
Your dream role could be just around the corner, or waiting for you on Mosley Street!
If you’re interested in joining us, you can check out our available roles at

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