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SafetyCloud will be down for maintenance: Here's what you need to do

SafetyCulture News | By | 28 Jan 2015 | < 1

**Update** SafetyCulture (SafetyCloud) is offline for scheduled maintenance. We had planned to be back up by 5:00am Feb 1 GMT though it’s taking a little longer than expected. We’ll update you as soon as we’re ready go live.

You probably know by now, we’re launching our improved cloud service for iAuditor. SafetyCloud will be reborn as SafetyCulture. If you didn’t know… you can learn all about it here.

What you need to do:

If you are not working during the outage, there’s nothing you need to do. Simply log back into SafetyCulture on your device once maintenance is complete.

If you plan on using iAuditor during the outage:

Josh Yeamans, our resident customer support guru, has some advice for those who wish to continue using iAuditor during the dedicated downtime.

“Perform a sync at least an hour prior to SafetyCloud going off-line, this will allow you to have uninterrupted auditing ability from the native app on your mobile device.
Once the new SafetyCulture platform connection is restored, all new audits and templates will automatically sync to the new system. As iAuditor is designed to work without a constant SafetyCulture (SafetyCloud) connection.”

For a reminder on when the scheduled maintenance is happening for your time zone, please see this article.

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