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Top Safety Award Winners Use SafetyCulture iAuditor

SafetyCulture News | By | 12 Apr 2016 | 4 minute read

We are constantly receiving feedback that SafetyCulture iAuditor is making our users better at their jobs and even getting them promoted. Recently, we’ve seen that go one step further, with two of our users winning prestigious safety awards by implementing the SafetyCulture iAuditor app into their workplace.

Our users often start out using SafetyCulture iAuditor to make their working life a little easier by transforming paper forms into digital templates. More often than not, they unexpectedly end up changing the entire culture of the company, causing the rapid adoption of this new technology across multiple business departments. We hear reports of colleagues and management who are excited by the prospect of this app and potential cost and time savings it can introduce.

Damien Kelly, a Production Coordinator from Orora Group won a top Safety Hero Award with the prize of $10,000 by using the app to digitize his workplace forms. Stephen Shield, a Production Manager from BOC was on the lookout for new technology to improve the company’s reporting process when he came across the app. Stephen recently won Best Individual WHS Achievement at an Australian national safety award ceremony.

Both users were looking for technology that could transform the way they conducted inspections and managed reports. SafetyCulture iAuditor offers workers the ability to have real-time, onsite reporting so that hazards are reported early and often.

Stephen Shield, BOC Production Manager & Best Individual WHS Achievement Winner


Before Stephen found SafetyCulture iAuditor, he had a number of different audit requirements that were managed in various systems, and kept in a range of documents and locations across the company. BOC supplies compressed and bulk gases, chemicals and equipment around the world, which can be dangerous if there isn’t a unified system to keep tabs of it.

For safety audits, Stephen used a paper calendar diary to walk around the worksite and identify hazards and risks with the workers and how they might be controlled. The diary however, was often left at home and didn’t provide much room for context in the three allocated lines. The information he collected also wasn’t conveyed fast enough so tasks were not acted on quickly.

Stephen searched for a tool to make his job easier. In finding SafetyCulture iAuditor however, he ended up making his workplace safer. Using his iPhone, Stephen started conducting his company audits using the app.

“It allows BOC templates to be created and uploaded to the phone. The app isn’t restricted to two to three lines, and up to 30 to 40 images can also be included. There is no limit on the information that can be uploaded,” Stephen says.

Using only the iPhone, Stephen can walk around the BOC worksite and audit as he goes, collecting findings, adding notes and photos in real-time. His findings can be immediately sent to the site manager from the palm of his hand. Reports can be emailed to anyone in the company, providing all managers with fast and reliable data to inform their decisions.

The first email using SafetyCulture iAuditor went to his director. “He loved it and shared it with others who also loved it,” he says. Soon, others on the management team wanted to continue using it.

The introduction of this technology prompted BOC to install large television screens onsite to display hazards to ensure they were being addressed. Stephen’s find has not only improved reporting, it has also boosted safety and reduced business costs, providing a unified system of data collection.

Damien Kelly, Orora Group Production Coordinator & Safety Hero Award Winner


Damien Kelly from Orora’s Rocklea fibre packaging plant in Brisbane, Australia won the Safety Hero Award over teams from dozens of Australian and North American sites for making it easier and faster for workers to complete audits and send reports, improving the safety and efficiency of their work environment.

“The hero award came as a complete surprise, even when I was first nominated I didn’t think I had a chance considering what I was up against across different categories. When I won it was a shock,” said Damien.

Damien was after a process that was more efficient than paperwork and paper checklists.

He first found out about SafetyCulture iAuditor when he was doing his OH&S training. After noticing its simplicity, he used it to replicate and improve a number of Orora’s current inspections.

“I tried iAuditor and liked the ease at which I could create a digital template of the paperwork I had to fill out in my first aid / HSR role with Orora.The three pages I had to fill out took time, it had to be scanned and added to emails and then sent to the relevant people,” he says.

“It made my life easier and I could do a report instantly rather than spend 40 minutes writing it. You can’t take that time back. Everyone loves how fast it is ‘tick and flick’ and they love that you can add photos.The iAuditor templates allowed me to complete this task in under a minute,” said Damien.

Damien used the app on iPads and iPhones and has digitized forms for first aid, hazard reports, quality audits, site tours and more. He currently has 12 different company inspections on SafetyCulture iAuditor and plans to build more to turn his workplace paperless.

“No one really likes filling out forms, it’s a multicultural work site so they struggle to read a question and understand.We’ve made it basic on iAuditor, they can just say Yes/No and fill out a description. They can understand it better than filling out a three page form. It’s fast, easy to use. It’s the process too, of taking forms to someone and then putting it in the system – that takes ages with paper. Off iAuditor goes in the email and you don’t have to worry about it,” he says.

Winning the award has provided Damien with the opportunity to roll-out safety initiatives with momentum. He plans to use the money to go to visit four Orora sites in America in September this year to see how they conduct safety initiatives.

Safety for everyone

Time and time again, we see people get so excited about SafetyCulture iAuditor and it truly is what drives the company to continue developing our products. We started out by wanting to provide a low-cost safety management system, but we are consistently surprised by how our customers have taken the flexible checklist and applied it to so many different aspects of their business. We hope to hear more stories like this, about how our app has made your working life easier, more efficient and most of all – safer. Everybody deserves to go home safe at the end of each day. Have more stories about how SafetyCulture iAuditor has improved your work? Share your story with us on Twitter @SafetyCultureHQ

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